Sunday, November 27, 2011


At thirty eight it seems life has been very long and yet it feels so less has been accomplished.....but everytime there has been a bend ...everytime a twist  events have manifested to uncover this power within....It has tremendous potential to help you sail out succesfully.I remember a time in life when all else was against the rule of logic and rationality but a small voice nudged to keep praying ,believing,waiting patiently and boy..the tide changed from darkness to light...from deadends roads were created and i have learned not to be disheartened or blame destiny for everything happens to shape the best...maybe at the outset it is painful ,it is discomforting,it takes you way away from what you set out to works out.
The only thing that helps is your power often we feel in a situation that no more can we go on no more will we carry on ....but hang on wait a little have a little conversation with your little self your motives as to why should you hang on and why should you change ways....
there are tremendous reserves of willpower stored in an average human body but more damage is done by the limitations we accept to what can be done and what cant be...consider a case of illness till a diagnoses is given we feel fine but the moment the verdict arrives we show all the symptoms of the illness...and we accept the doom and gloom ..and even DEATH....Then why some overcome seemingly terminal cases and some don't?????Because they believe in it and go forward to live it....
There are students who accept mediocrity and spend their life courting criticism,depression, frustration and at times end life...why not take a safer route and ask within..what is it that i am ?what is it that I want? and then go forward with conviction after what they really want ...
So often we are stuck in a job...a vocation....a profession and hate ourselves, our customers our environment blame everyone and be a sore to all involved BUT keep gleefully collecting the money that comes in!!!!!OR we smile and keep the suffering inside and be a miserable companion to ourselves....
All different situations...different emotions but the pain involved for all is felt by the individual!!!!SO WHAT CAN HELP?????THIS POWER WITHIN....our culture is all sold out on miracles religion can make....all the powers belong to god and godmen....but it is so untrue...
TAKE A MOMENT AND CHALLENGE YOUR CANTS SILENTLY AS IF YOU ARE IN DEBATE...with a defeated one ,be brutally honest with yourself and step by step make a change  small one at a time.So often all that we are afraid of needs to be checked...we stick to routines..we stick to traditional way of handling it and ignore the solutions that stare right in front of us...we fail to converse with ourselves and courageously changing what needs SSC student feels fear gets into paralysis and wastes time in doing nothing ..why not start sitting with a paper and pencil and a resolve to simply master what needs mastering!!!!!!!
A person suffering from illlness accepts meekly his or her patienthood and creates all the symptoms and fate and pain.....just just can we ask is there a way out???can i not explore can i not not die or suffer????a small lifetime has shown me we are living in times when awareness of wellness is broad...vast...we have ANGELS up there who get busy when we resolve to overcome what we want to they send people....situations...possibilities...BUT ARE WE WILLING TO BELIEVE?????in ourselves believe that we are not  victims of circumstances...we create our canvas and can paint whatever we want even erase an illness...suffering ....
Easier is the case of leading a frustrated life where we have time on our hands .We have to spend sometime with the inner space and challenge and change what we really want to....slowly but surely...trusting that we have immense reserves of willpower to  create a reality if we really want it....accept that we have been victims of fear...fear of shaking the apple cart...others approval.....status in society....
Are we ready to believe our own power to change...I surely am trying to!!!!as a student i felt i remained mediocre..yet as a teacher i found out i had tremendous memory....i learn answers with my students now!!!!
As a young woman i spent life being a rebel burning my bridges and creating people who wont like me!!!!making a life that was difficult and frustrating...for i thought they needed to understand me...when i looked within i realised all and everyone had tender spots and i can learn to let them be...and now life is peaceful with people being the same but my power to be compassionate makes all the difference to me ...only me i am not weak if i understand ...i am just peaceful and powerful
from childhood felt lonely and a little neglected .I always needed that hug or a smile that tells me i AM LOVED ....till i discovered the power of love is in giving those same hugs to my kids
AND the biggest reward for changing within i am gifted with the company and knowledge of spiritual realms ,angels,reiki powerful tools and hope that whatever life doles out i can turn around......a medical condition...a financial situation....a lovelife  all these and more only because i believe within me i have a power that when activated will bring forth MIRACLES...small ones big ones...just go forth and activate your life and create...WHATEVER YOU WANT ...I DID!!!!!!!

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